About a year ago, Netflix came out with a series called Tidying Up with Marie Kondo. If you haven’t seen it, the series focuses on several American families that need help organizing and decluttering their homes. Japanese tidying expert Marie Kondo comes to their homes and takes the families through her “KonMari method” of organization.
One of the keys to the method is to go through each item, one by one, and determine whether or not that item “sparks joy”. If an item does spark joy, you keep it, if it doesn’t, you thank it, and then get rid of it.
So, what does this have to do with replacement windows?
Just like many people have items in their homes that are no longer useful or enjoyable, there are also many homeowners who are living in homes with old, inefficient, or even non-functioning windows. They may not open and close easily—or at all—and they definitely don’t help make your house energy efficient. If your really stop to think about it, those windows probably do not spark joy.
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You may be surprised to learn, however, that new vinyl replacement windows can actually spark joy. Every year, the National Association of Realtors puts out a report that evaluates various home improvement projects. It determines which ones are a good value by giving you a good return on your investment. The report also gives each project a “Joy Score”. The Joy Score is measured on a scale of 1-10, with a score of 10 being the best.
Several home improvement projects on the list got a perfect Joy Score of 10, such as a full kitchen renovation and the conversion of an unfinished basement into a living area, which you might expect given that these are major renovations that can really affect the livability of a home. Vinyl replacement windows, however, were not far behind, with a Joy Score of 9.6! In addition, the report notes that 64% of homeowners who have replaced their old windows with new vinyl windows say they have a greater desire to be home since completing the project, and 63% say they have an increased sense of enjoyment when they are at home.
We’ve found this to be true in our own experience installing replacement windows in San Diego. While many people initially decide to replace their windows so they’ll be more functional or energy efficient, they are often pleasantly surprised at how their new windows also change the “feel” of their home. We can’t tell you how many times people have commented that they love their new windows even more than they thought they would. They love how their home is quieter and feels more comfortable, and even brighter. They also regularly tell us that if they had known how much new windows would improve their home, they would have changed out their windows years ago.
So, if you’ve been waiting to replace the windows in your San Diego home because you think it won’t really make a big difference, or because you’d rather spend your home improvement dollars on a project that you think will bring you more enjoyment, know that new windows can actually bring you a good amount of joy!
Don’t let another year go by without looking into replacement windows for your San Diego home. Contact us at BM Windows to learn more, or to schedule an appointment to get a free, no-obligation quote.